Farm Machinery

Explore our range of water-cooled diesel engines, including key start and manual start options, designed for durability and efficiency in farm machinery and irrigation.
Key Start Water Cooled Diesel Engine product image - Finetouch

Diesel Engines

Explore our range of water-cooled diesel engines, including key start and manual start options, designed for durability and efficiency in farm machinery and irrigation.

Farm Machinery - Chaff Cutters, Seeders, Tillers & More | affordable product category image - Finetouch

Farm Machinery

A wide range of Farm machinery, chuff cutters, seeders, mini-tillers and more. Enhance farming efficiency with top quality affordable equipments like boom sprayers, maize shellers and chain saws.

Good Seed and Seedling Practices for Best Yields in Kenya blog image - Finetouch

Seedling Preparation for Best Yields

Get essential tips for seedling preparation to achieve the best yields. Learn about planting trays, coco peat, sprayers, and more from Finetouch Africa Limited. Featuring Francis Alego's farm success story.

Guide to Water Pumps for Irrigation in Kenya blog image - Finetouch

Water Pumps for Irrigation in Kenya

Discover the best water pumps for irrigation in Kenya. Explore different types of pumps, their advantages, and how they can improve agricultural productivity.

Home Egg Incubation Tips for Small-Scale Farmers: Best Practices blog image - Finetouch

Home Egg Incubation Tips and Best Practices

Discover essential tips and best practices for successful home egg incubation. Learn how to choose fertilized eggs, maintain proper hygiene, and use Blue Star Incubators for optimal hatch rates.

Finetouch Drip Irrigation Kit blog image - Finetouch

Drip Irrigation System Kit by Finetouch

Drip irrigation is a method where water is delivered directly to the roots of plants through a network of pipes, tubing, and emitters. it can be customized to fit various terrain and soil conditions

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